commit 5426a00d1456d43492ef28b30295a165c635d84d
parent 4ae2bf48c8baa4af5d4d345e97bff7a3602de861
Author: Michael Savage <>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2017 16:32:36 +0200
Remove mod_btt
make.lua | | | 4 | ---- | | | | 431 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 435 deletions(-)
diff --git a/make.lua b/make.lua
@@ -48,15 +48,11 @@ end
require( "libs/squish" )
bin( "bsp", { "main", "bsp", "bsp_renderer", game_objs }, { game_libs } )
--- TODO: fix btt build
--- bin( "btt", { "main", "mod_btt", "btt", "heightmap", "skybox", "lz4", game_objs }, { "stb_image", game_libs } )
bin( "sm", { "main", "shadow_map", game_objs }, { game_libs } )
bin( "clipmap", { "main", "clipmap", "heightmap", "skybox", "decompress_bc", game_objs }, { "lz4", game_libs } )
msvc_bin_ldflags( "bsp", "opengl32.lib gdi32.lib" )
gcc_bin_ldflags( "bsp", game_ldflags )
-msvc_bin_ldflags( "btt", "opengl32.lib gdi32.lib" )
-gcc_bin_ldflags( "btt", game_ldflags )
msvc_bin_ldflags( "sm", "opengl32.lib gdi32.lib" )
gcc_bin_ldflags( "sm", game_ldflags )
msvc_bin_ldflags( "clipmap", "opengl32.lib gdi32.lib" )
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-#include "game.h"
-#include "intrinsics.h"
-#include "int_conversions.h"
-#include "immediate.h"
-#include "skybox.h"
-#include "profiler.h"
-#include "linear_algebra.h"
-#include "libs/lz4/lz4.h"
-#include "libs/stb/stb_image.h"
-// #define TERRAIN_NAME "mountains512.png"
-#define TERRAIN_NAME "grad.png"
-static const char * vert_src = GLSL(
- in vec3 position;
- out vec3 smooth_position;
- out float depth;
- layout( std140 ) uniform v_hot {
- mat4 vp;
- };
- void main() {
- gl_Position = vp * vec4( position, 1.0 );
- smooth_position = position;
- depth = gl_Position.z;
- }
-static const char * frag_src = GLSL(
- in vec3 smooth_position;
- in float depth;
- out vec4 colour;
- layout( std140 ) uniform f_hot {
- vec2 dimensions;
- float sun;
- };
- uniform sampler2D normals;
- uniform sampler2D horizons;
- void main() {
- vec3 normal = normalize( texture( normals, smooth_position.xy / dimensions ).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0 );
- float horizon = texture( horizons, smooth_position.xy / dimensions ).r;
- // ground colour
- vec3 ground;
- if( smooth_position.z > 175 ) {
- // snow/rocks
- if( normal.z > 0.5 ) {
- ground = vec3( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 );
- }
- else {
- ground = vec3( 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 );
- }
- }
- else if( smooth_position.z < 5 ) {
- ground = vec3( 0.0, 0.25, 1.0 );
- }
- else {
- if( normal.z > 0.8 ) {
- ground = vec3( 0.4, 1.0, 0.4 );
- }
- else {
- ground = vec3( 0.7, 0.7, 0.5 );
- }
- }
- // sunlight + sky ambient lighting
- // TODO: use formula for area of a chord?
- float sun_visible_fraction = smoothstep( 0, 0.2, sun - horizon );
- sun_visible_fraction += 5.0;
- sun_visible_fraction = min( 1.0, sun_visible_fraction );
- vec3 sun_direction = normalize( vec3( -1, 0, sun ) );
- float sunlight_lambert = max( 0, dot( normal, sun_direction ) );
- vec3 sunlight = sun_visible_fraction * sunlight_lambert * vec3( 0.9, 0.9, 0.5 );
- vec3 ambient = vec3( 0.02, 0.02, 0.15 );
- colour = vec4( ( sunlight + ambient ) * ground, 1.0 );
- colour = vec4( ( normal + 1.0 ) / 2.0, 1.0 );
- }
-static const char * vert_outline_src = GLSL(
- in vec3 position;
- in vec3 colour;
- out vec3 frag_colour;
- layout( std140 ) uniform v_hot {
- mat4 vp;
- };
- void main() {
- frag_colour = colour;
- gl_Position = vp * vec4( position, 1.0 );
- }
-static const char * frag_outline_src = GLSL(
- in vec3 frag_colour;
- out vec4 screen_colour;
- void main() {
- screen_colour = vec4( frag_colour, 1.0 );
- }
-static v3 angles_to_vector_xy( v3 angles ) {
- return v3( sin( angles.y ), cos( angles.y ), 0 );
-v3 angles_to_vector( v3 angles ) {
- return v3(
- -sin( angles.y ) * sin( angles.x ),
- -cos( angles.y ) * sin( angles.x ),
- -cos( angles.x )
- );
-// static void draw_btt(
-// const BTT * btt, const Heightmap * hm,
-// ImmediateContext * imm,
-// glm::ivec2 iv0, glm::ivec2 iv1, glm::ivec2 iv2
-// ) {
-// const glm::vec4 white( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
-// const glm::vec3 offset( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f );
-// glm::vec3 v0( hm->point( iv0.x, iv0.y ) + offset );
-// glm::vec3 v1( hm->point( iv1.x, iv1.y ) + offset );
-// glm::vec3 v2( hm->point( iv2.x, iv2.y ) + offset );
-// if( btt->left ) {
-// assert( btt->right );
-// glm::ivec2 mid = ( iv0 + iv2 ) / 2;
-// draw_btt( btt->left, hm, imm, iv1, mid, iv0 );
-// draw_btt( btt->right, hm, imm, iv2, mid, iv1 );
-// }
-// else {
-// immediate_triangle( imm, v0, v1, v2, white );
-// }
-// }
-static void compute_normals( const array2d< u8 > heightmap, array2d< v3 > normals ) {
- ASSERT( heightmap.w == normals.w && heightmap.h == normals.h );
- // estimate the gradient at each point by doing central differences on
- // each axis, then cross the tangent and bitangent to find the normal
- for( size_t y = 0; y < heightmap.h; y++ ) {
- for( size_t x = 0; x < heightmap.w; x++ ) {
- size_t x_plus_one = x + 1;
- size_t x_minus_one = x - 1;
- size_t y_plus_one = y + 1;
- size_t y_minus_one = y - 1;
- if( x == 0 ) x_minus_one = x;
- if( x == heightmap.w - 1 ) x_plus_one = x;
- if( y == 0 ) y_minus_one = y;
- if( y == heightmap.h - 1 ) y_plus_one = y;
- v3 tangent(
- checked_cast< float >( x_plus_one - x_minus_one ),
- 0,
- checked_cast< float >( heightmap( x_plus_one, y ) - heightmap( x_minus_one, y ) ) );
- v3 bitangent(
- 0,
- checked_cast< float >( y_plus_one - y_minus_one ),
- checked_cast< float >( heightmap( x, y_plus_one ) - heightmap( x, y_minus_one ) ) );
- v3 cp = cross( tangent, bitangent );
- v3 n = normalize( cp );
- normals( x, y ) = ( n + v3( 1, 1, 1 ) ) / 2;
- }
- }
-static array2d< float > horizons;
-static array2d< v3 > normals;
-static HeightmapQuadTree qt;
-static UB ub_fs, ub_vs;
-extern "C" GAME_INIT( game_init ) {
- game->pos = v3( 100, 200, 100 );
- game->pitch = 0;
- game->yaw = 45;
- game->test_sun = 0.3f;
- ShaderConfig terrain_config;
- terrain_config.vertex_src = vert_src;
- terrain_config.fragment_src = frag_src;
- terrain_config.texture_uniform_names[ 0 ] = "normals";
- terrain_config.texture_uniform_names[ 1 ] = "horizons";
- game->test_shader = renderer_new_shader( terrain_config );
- game->test_outline_shader = renderer_new_shader( vert_outline_src, frag_outline_src );
- ub_vs = renderer_new_ub();
- ub_fs = renderer_new_ub();
- int w, h, channels;
- u8 * pixels = stbi_load( "terrains/" TERRAIN_NAME, &w, &h, &channels, 1 );
- ASSERT( channels == 1 );
- heightmap_init( &game->hm, pixels, w, h );
- {
- PROFILE_BLOCK( "Build quadtree" );
- size_t num_nodes = heightmap_quadtree_max_nodes( &game->hm );
- array< HeightmapQuadTreeNode > nodes = memarena_push_array( &mem->persistent_arena, HeightmapQuadTreeNode, num_nodes );
- qt = heightmap_build_quadtree( &game->hm, nodes );
- }
- horizons = memarena_push_array2d( &mem->persistent_arena, float, w, h );
- size_t compressed_horizons_size;
- u8 * compressed_horizons = file_get_contents( "terrains/" TERRAIN_NAME ".parts/0_0_horizons.lz4", &compressed_horizons_size );
- int ok_horizons = LZ4_decompress_safe(
- ( const char * ) compressed_horizons,
- ( char * ) horizons.ptr(),
- compressed_horizons_size, horizons.num_bytes() );
- ASSERT( ok_horizons > 0 && to_unsigned( ok_horizons ) == horizons.num_bytes() );
- normals = memarena_push_array2d( &mem->persistent_arena, v3, w, h );
- // size_t compressed_normals_size;
- // u8 * compressed_normals = file_get_contents( "terrains/" TERRAIN_NAME ".parts/0_0_normals.lz4", &compressed_normals_size );
- // int ok_normals = LZ4_decompress_safe(
- // ( const char * ) compressed_normals,
- // ( char * ) normals.ptr(),
- // compressed_normals_size, normals.num_bytes() );
- // ASSERT( ok_normals > 0 && to_unsigned( ok_normals ) == normals.num_bytes() );
- array2d< u8 > heightmap( pixels, w, h );
- compute_normals( heightmap, normals );
- {
- game->btt = btt_from_heightmap( &game->hm, &mem->persistent_arena );
- }
- const OffsetHeightmap ohm = { game->hm, 0, 0 };
- gpubtt_init( &mem->persistent_arena, &game->gpubtt, game->btt, &ohm, normals.ptr(), horizons.ptr() );
- skybox_init( &game->skybox );
-static m4 camera_to_vp( v3 position, v3 angles ) {
- const m4 P = m4_perspective( VERTICAL_FOV, ( float ) WIDTH / ( float ) HEIGHT, NEAR_PLANE_DEPTH, FAR_PLANE_DEPTH );
- return m4_translation( -position ) * m4_rotz( -angles.y ) * m4_rotx( -angles.x ) * P;
-struct FSData {
- v2 dimensions;
- float sun;
-static void draw_qt( ImmediateContext * imm, AABBu32 aabb, const array< HeightmapQuadTreeNode > nodes, size_t node_idx ) {
- if( aabb.maxs.x - aabb.mins.x < 32 ) {
- return;
- }
- v3 mins( aabb.mins.x, aabb.mins.y, aabb.mins.z );
- v3 maxs( aabb.maxs.x, aabb.maxs.y, aabb.maxs.z );
- immediate_aabb( imm, mins, maxs, v4( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) );
- for( size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
- AABBu32 child_aabb = aabb.quadrant( i ).clamp_z( nodes[ node_idx * 4 + i + 1 ].min_z, nodes[ node_idx * 4 + i + 1 ].max_z );
- draw_qt( imm, child_aabb, nodes, node_idx * 4 + i + 1 );
- }
-template< typename T >
-static T lerp( T a, float t, T b ) {
- ASSERT( t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f );
- return a * ( 1.0f - t ) + b * t;
-template< typename T >
-static T bilerp( const array2d< T > arr, float x, float y ) {
- size_t xi = ( size_t ) x;
- size_t yi = ( size_t ) y;
- size_t xi1 = min( xi + 1, arr.w - 1 );
- size_t yi1 = min( yi + 1, arr.h - 1 );
- float xf = x - xi;
- float yf = y - yi;
- T a = arr( xi, yi );
- T b = arr( xi1, yi );
- T c = arr( xi, yi1 );
- T d = arr( xi1, yi1 );
- T ab = lerp( a, xf, b );
- T cd = lerp( c, xf, d );
- return lerp( ab, yf, cd );
-extern "C" GAME_FRAME( game_frame ) {
- renderer_begin_frame( CLEARCOLOUR_DONT );
- int fb = input->keys[ KEY_W ] - input->keys[ KEY_S ];
- int lr = input->keys[ KEY_D ] - input->keys[ KEY_A ];
- int dz = input->keys[ KEY_SPACE ] - input->keys[ KEY_LEFTSHIFT ];
- int dpitch = input->keys[ KEY_DOWNARROW ] - input->keys[ KEY_UPARROW ];
- int dyaw = input->keys[ KEY_LEFTARROW ] - input->keys[ KEY_RIGHTARROW ];
- dpitch += input->keys[ KEY_K ] - input->keys[ KEY_I ];
- dyaw += input->keys[ KEY_J ] - input->keys[ KEY_L ];
- game->pitch += dpitch * dt * 100;
- game->yaw += dyaw * dt * 100;
- game->pitch -= float( input->mouse_dy * 0.1 );
- game->yaw -= float( input->mouse_dx * 0.1 );
- const float speed = 50.0f;
- const v3 world_up = v3( 0, 0, 1 );
- v3 forward = v3_forward( game->pitch, game->yaw );
- v3 right = normalize( cross( forward, world_up ) );
- v3 up = normalize( cross( right, forward ) );
- game->pos += forward * dt * fb * speed;
- game->pos += right * dt * lr * speed;
- game->pos.z += dt * dz * speed;
- const float dsun = ( input->keys[ KEY_EQUALS ] - input->keys[ KEY_MINUS ] ) * dt;
- game->test_sun += dsun;
- if( dsun != 0 ) printf( "sun: %.4f\n", game->test_sun );
- m4 P = m4_perspective( VERTICAL_FOV, ( float ) WIDTH / ( float ) HEIGHT, NEAR_PLANE_DEPTH, FAR_PLANE_DEPTH );
- m4 V = m4_view( forward, right, up, game->pos );
- m4 Vsky = m4_view( forward, right, up, v3( 0 ) );
- m4 VP = P * V;
- skybox_render( &game->skybox, Vsky, P, game->test_sun );
- FSData fs_data = { };
- fs_data.dimensions = v2( game->hm.width, game->hm.height );
- fs_data.sun = game->test_sun;
- renderer_ub_data( ub_vs, &VP, sizeof( VP ) );
- renderer_ub_data( ub_fs, &fs_data, sizeof( fs_data ) );
- RenderState render_state;
- render_state.shader = game->test_shader;
-[ UB_VS_HOT ] = ub_vs;
-[ UB_FS_HOT ] = ub_fs;
- gpubtt_render( &game->gpubtt, render_state );
- static ImmediateTriangle triangles[ megabytes( 16 ) ];
- ImmediateContext imm;
- {
- immediate_init( &imm, triangles, ARRAY_COUNT( triangles ) );
- // for( size_t i = 0; i < game->hm.width; i++ ) {
- // v3 origin = v3( i, 1, game->hm.point( i, 1 ).z );
- // v3 direction = normalize( v3( -1, 0, horizons( i, 1 ) ) );
- // v4 white( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
- // immediate_arrow( &imm, origin, direction, 2, white );
- // }
- for( u32 y = 4; y < game->hm.height; y += 8 ) {
- for( u32 x = 4; x < game->hm.width; x += 8 ) {
- v3 origin = game->hm.point( x, y );
- v3 direction = normals( x, y ) * 2 - v3( 1, 1, 1 );
- v4 white( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
- immediate_sphere( &imm, origin, 2, white, 4 );
- immediate_sphere( &imm, origin + 3 * direction, 2, white, 4 );
- }
- }
- float t;
- v3 ray_dir = forward;
- v3 inv_dir = v3( 1.0f / ray_dir.x, 1.0f / ray_dir.y, 1.0f / ray_dir.z );
- v3 xnormal;
- if( ray_vs_quadtree( &qt, game->pos, ray_dir, inv_dir, &t, &xnormal ) ) {
- v3 impact = game->pos + forward * t;
- immediate_sphere( &imm, impact, 2, v4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) );
- v3 smooth_normal = normalize( bilerp( normals, impact.x, impact.y ) );
- printf( "%.2f %.2f %.2f\n", smooth_normal.x, smooth_normal.y, smooth_normal.z );
- immediate_arrow( &imm, impact, smooth_normal, 8, v4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) );
- }
- else printf( "nope\n" );
- RenderState impact_render_state;
- impact_render_state.shader = game->test_outline_shader;
-[ UB_VS_HOT ] = ub_vs;
- immediate_render( &imm, impact_render_state );
- }
- // {
- // immediate_init( &imm, triangles, ARRAY_COUNT( triangles ) );
- // v3u32 mins = v3u32( 0, 0, qt.nodes[ 0 ].min_z );
- // v3u32 maxs = v3u32( qt.dim, qt.dim, qt.nodes[ 0 ].max_z );
- // draw_qt( &imm, AABBu32( mins, maxs ), qt.nodes, 0 );
- //
- // RenderState qt_render_state;
- // qt_render_state.shader = game->test_outline_shader;
- //[ UB_VS_HOT ] = ub_vs;
- // qt_render_state.wireframe = true;
- // immediate_render( &imm, qt_render_state );
- // }
- // immediate_init( &imm, triangles, ARRAY_COUNT( triangles ) );
- // draw_btt( game->btt.left_root, &game->hm, &imm, glm::ivec2( 0, 0 ), glm::ivec2( 0, game->hm.height - 1 ), glm::ivec2( game->hm.width - 1, game->hm.height - 1 ) );
- // draw_btt( game->btt.right_root, &game->hm, &imm, glm::ivec2( game->hm.width - 1, game->hm.height - 1 ), glm::ivec2( game->hm.width - 1, 0 ), glm::ivec2( 0, 0 ) );
- // glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );
- // glUseProgram( game->test_outline_shader );
- // glUniformMatrix4fv( game->test_outline_un_vp, 1, GL_FALSE, ( float * ) &VP );
- // immediate_render( &imm, game->test_outline_at_position, game->test_outline_at_colour );
- // glUseProgram( 0 );
- // glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );
- // benchmark_print_timers();