commit 2144755af669c87e5e67182fb094115110ad1bf0
parent 9fd5c3c19e35b01593afbaf678c6d7f596f13e9a
Author: Michael Savage <>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 23:44:57 +0000
Add gen command
Diffstat: | | | 8 | +++++++- |
pdb | | | 54 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- |
2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -46,10 +46,16 @@ An example session:
Database initialised.
$ pdb add test
Enter a password for test: fdsa
+ $ pdb gen test2
+ Generating a password for test2. Go do something else while we gather entropy.
+ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
$ pdb list
- $ pdb get test
+ test2
+ $ pdb get test
+ $ pdb get test2
+ )"QI p!8j.c9g!yQ:d8Dc9XdHKWqKz\"
pdbmenu pipes `pdb list` to dmenu along with any command line arguments
you gave it, and then `pdb get`s the password you chose and types it for
diff --git a/pdb b/pdb
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ local SplitCipherTextPattern = "^(" .. string.rep( ".", IVLength ) .. ")(.+)(" .
-- consts
local Help =
- "Usage: " .. arg[ 0 ] .. " <command> [args]\n"
+ "Usage: " .. arg[ 0 ] .. " <command>\n"
.. "where <command> is one of the following:\n"
.. "\n"
.. "genkey - generate a private key for encrypting your passwords\n"
@@ -28,8 +28,14 @@ local Help =
.. "delete <name> - deleted the password stored under <name>\n"
.. "list - lists the names of all stored passwords\n"
.. "touch - decrypts, sanity checks and reencrypts the database\n"
+ .. "gen <name> [length] [pattern] - generates a password for <name>. [pattern] is a Lua pattern\n"
+ .. " examples:\n"
+ .. " gen test - 32 characters, alphanumeric/puntuation/spaces\n"
+ .. " gen test 16 - 16 characters, alphanumeric/puntuation/spaces\n"
+ .. " gen test 10 %%d - 10 characters, numbers only\n"
+ .. " gen test \"%%l \" - 32 characters, lowercase/spaces\n"
-local commands = { "genkey", "init", "add", "get", "delete", "list", "touch" }
+local commands = { "genkey", "init", "add", "get", "delete", "list", "touch", "gen" }
for _, command in ipairs( commands ) do
commands[ command ] = true
@@ -185,6 +191,50 @@ elseif arg[ 1 ] == "list" then
for k in pairs( db ) do
print( k )
+elseif arg[ 1 ] == "gen" then
+ check( not db[ arg[ 2 ] ], "%s is already in the database", arg[ 2 ] )
+ local genLength = tonumber( arg[ 3 ] ) or 32
+ local genPattern = "[" .. ( ( ( arg[ 3 ] and not tonumber( arg[ 3 ] ) ) and arg[ 3 ] ) or arg[ 4 ] or "%w%p " ) .. "]"
+ -- matches is a list of characters that match genPattern
+ -- chars is matches repeated to best fill 256 chars to
+ -- accelerate generation of passwords from small charsets
+ local matches = { }
+ local chars = { }
+ for i = 0, 255 do
+ if string.char( i ):match( genPattern ) then
+ table.insert( matches, string.char( i ) )
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, math.floor( 256 / #matches ) * #matches do
+ chars[ string.char( i - 1 ) ] = matches[ ( ( i - 1 ) % #matches ) + 1 ]
+ end
+ print( "Generating a password for " .. arg[ 2 ] .. ". Go do something else while we gather entropy." )
+ local password = ""
+ while password:len() < genLength do
+ local c = random:read( 1 )
+ if chars[ c ] then
+ password = password .. chars[ c ]
+ end
+ io.write( "\r" )
+ for i = 1, genLength do
+ io.write( i <= password:len() and ">" or "-" )
+ end
+ io.flush()
+ end
+ print( "\a" )
+ db[ arg[ 2 ] ] = password
local ok_write, err_write = pcall( writeDB, db, key )