
Tiny, scriptable MUD client
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      1 /*
      2 ** $Id: lpcap.c,v 1.6 2015/06/15 16:09:57 roberto Exp $
      3 ** Copyright 2007, & PUC-Rio  (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
      4 */
      6 #include "lua.h"
      7 #include "lauxlib.h"
      9 #include "lpcap.h"
     10 #include "lptypes.h"
     13 #define captype(cap)	((cap)->kind)
     15 #define isclosecap(cap)	(captype(cap) == Cclose)
     17 #define closeaddr(c)	((c)->s + (c)->siz - 1)
     19 #define isfullcap(cap)	((cap)->siz != 0)
     21 #define getfromktable(cs,v)	lua_rawgeti((cs)->L, ktableidx((cs)->ptop), v)
     23 #define pushluaval(cs)		getfromktable(cs, (cs)->cap->idx)
     27 /*
     28 ** Put at the cache for Lua values the value indexed by 'v' in ktable
     29 ** of the running pattern (if it is not there yet); returns its index.
     30 */
     31 static int updatecache (CapState *cs, int v) {
     32   int idx = cs->ptop + 1;  /* stack index of cache for Lua values */
     33   if (v != cs->valuecached) {  /* not there? */
     34     getfromktable(cs, v);  /* get value from 'ktable' */
     35     lua_replace(cs->L, idx);  /* put it at reserved stack position */
     36     cs->valuecached = v;  /* keep track of what is there */
     37   }
     38   return idx;
     39 }
     42 static int pushcapture (CapState *cs);
     45 /*
     46 ** Goes back in a list of captures looking for an open capture
     47 ** corresponding to a close
     48 */
     49 static Capture *findopen (Capture *cap) {
     50   int n = 0;  /* number of closes waiting an open */
     51   for (;;) {
     52     cap--;
     53     if (isclosecap(cap)) n++;  /* one more open to skip */
     54     else if (!isfullcap(cap))
     55       if (n-- == 0) return cap;
     56   }
     57 }
     60 /*
     61 ** Go to the next capture
     62 */
     63 static void nextcap (CapState *cs) {
     64   Capture *cap = cs->cap;
     65   if (!isfullcap(cap)) {  /* not a single capture? */
     66     int n = 0;  /* number of opens waiting a close */
     67     for (;;) {  /* look for corresponding close */
     68       cap++;
     69       if (isclosecap(cap)) {
     70         if (n-- == 0) break;
     71       }
     72       else if (!isfullcap(cap)) n++;
     73     }
     74   }
     75   cs->cap = cap + 1;  /* + 1 to skip last close (or entire single capture) */
     76 }
     79 /*
     80 ** Push on the Lua stack all values generated by nested captures inside
     81 ** the current capture. Returns number of values pushed. 'addextra'
     82 ** makes it push the entire match after all captured values. The
     83 ** entire match is pushed also if there are no other nested values,
     84 ** so the function never returns zero.
     85 */
     86 static int pushnestedvalues (CapState *cs, int addextra) {
     87   Capture *co = cs->cap;
     88   if (isfullcap(cs->cap++)) {  /* no nested captures? */
     89     lua_pushlstring(cs->L, co->s, co->siz - 1);  /* push whole match */
     90     return 1;  /* that is it */
     91   }
     92   else {
     93     int n = 0;
     94     while (!isclosecap(cs->cap))  /* repeat for all nested patterns */
     95       n += pushcapture(cs);
     96     if (addextra || n == 0) {  /* need extra? */
     97       lua_pushlstring(cs->L, co->s, cs->cap->s - co->s);  /* push whole match */
     98       n++;
     99     }
    100     cs->cap++;  /* skip close entry */
    101     return n;
    102   }
    103 }
    106 /*
    107 ** Push only the first value generated by nested captures
    108 */
    109 static void pushonenestedvalue (CapState *cs) {
    110   int n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);
    111   if (n > 1)
    112     lua_pop(cs->L, n - 1);  /* pop extra values */
    113 }
    116 /*
    117 ** Try to find a named group capture with the name given at the top of
    118 ** the stack; goes backward from 'cap'.
    119 */
    120 static Capture *findback (CapState *cs, Capture *cap) {
    121   lua_State *L = cs->L;
    122   while (cap-- > cs->ocap) {  /* repeat until end of list */
    123     if (isclosecap(cap))
    124       cap = findopen(cap);  /* skip nested captures */
    125     else if (!isfullcap(cap))
    126       continue; /* opening an enclosing capture: skip and get previous */
    127     if (captype(cap) == Cgroup) {
    128       getfromktable(cs, cap->idx);  /* get group name */
    129       if (lp_equal(L, -2, -1)) {  /* right group? */
    130         lua_pop(L, 2);  /* remove reference name and group name */
    131         return cap;
    132       }
    133       else lua_pop(L, 1);  /* remove group name */
    134     }
    135   }
    136   luaL_error(L, "back reference '%s' not found", lua_tostring(L, -1));
    137   return NULL;  /* to avoid warnings */
    138 }
    141 /*
    142 ** Back-reference capture. Return number of values pushed.
    143 */
    144 static int backrefcap (CapState *cs) {
    145   int n;
    146   Capture *curr = cs->cap;
    147   pushluaval(cs);  /* reference name */
    148   cs->cap = findback(cs, curr);  /* find corresponding group */
    149   n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);  /* push group's values */
    150   cs->cap = curr + 1;
    151   return n;
    152 }
    155 /*
    156 ** Table capture: creates a new table and populates it with nested
    157 ** captures.
    158 */
    159 static int tablecap (CapState *cs) {
    160   lua_State *L = cs->L;
    161   int n = 0;
    162   lua_newtable(L);
    163   if (isfullcap(cs->cap++))
    164     return 1;  /* table is empty */
    165   while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) {
    166     if (captype(cs->cap) == Cgroup && cs->cap->idx != 0) {  /* named group? */
    167       pushluaval(cs);  /* push group name */
    168       pushonenestedvalue(cs);
    169       lua_settable(L, -3);
    170     }
    171     else {  /* not a named group */
    172       int i;
    173       int k = pushcapture(cs);
    174       for (i = k; i > 0; i--)  /* store all values into table */
    175         lua_rawseti(L, -(i + 1), n + i);
    176       n += k;
    177     }
    178   }
    179   cs->cap++;  /* skip close entry */
    180   return 1;  /* number of values pushed (only the table) */
    181 }
    184 /*
    185 ** Table-query capture
    186 */
    187 static int querycap (CapState *cs) {
    188   int idx = cs->cap->idx;
    189   pushonenestedvalue(cs);  /* get nested capture */
    190   lua_gettable(cs->L, updatecache(cs, idx));  /* query cap. value at table */
    191   if (!lua_isnil(cs->L, -1))
    192     return 1;
    193   else {  /* no value */
    194     lua_pop(cs->L, 1);  /* remove nil */
    195     return 0;
    196   }
    197 }
    200 /*
    201 ** Fold capture
    202 */
    203 static int foldcap (CapState *cs) {
    204   int n;
    205   lua_State *L = cs->L;
    206   int idx = cs->cap->idx;
    207   if (isfullcap(cs->cap++) ||  /* no nested captures? */
    208       isclosecap(cs->cap) ||  /* no nested captures (large subject)? */
    209       (n = pushcapture(cs)) == 0)  /* nested captures with no values? */
    210     return luaL_error(L, "no initial value for fold capture");
    211   if (n > 1)
    212     lua_pop(L, n - 1);  /* leave only one result for accumulator */
    213   while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) {
    214     lua_pushvalue(L, updatecache(cs, idx));  /* get folding function */
    215     lua_insert(L, -2);  /* put it before accumulator */
    216     n = pushcapture(cs);  /* get next capture's values */
    217     lua_call(L, n + 1, 1);  /* call folding function */
    218   }
    219   cs->cap++;  /* skip close entry */
    220   return 1;  /* only accumulator left on the stack */
    221 }
    224 /*
    225 ** Function capture
    226 */
    227 static int functioncap (CapState *cs) {
    228   int n;
    229   int top = lua_gettop(cs->L);
    230   pushluaval(cs);  /* push function */
    231   n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);  /* push nested captures */
    232   lua_call(cs->L, n, LUA_MULTRET);  /* call function */
    233   return lua_gettop(cs->L) - top;  /* return function's results */
    234 }
    237 /*
    238 ** Select capture
    239 */
    240 static int numcap (CapState *cs) {
    241   int idx = cs->cap->idx;  /* value to select */
    242   if (idx == 0) {  /* no values? */
    243     nextcap(cs);  /* skip entire capture */
    244     return 0;  /* no value produced */
    245   }
    246   else {
    247     int n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);
    248     if (n < idx)  /* invalid index? */
    249       return luaL_error(cs->L, "no capture '%d'", idx);
    250     else {
    251       lua_pushvalue(cs->L, -(n - idx + 1));  /* get selected capture */
    252       lua_replace(cs->L, -(n + 1));  /* put it in place of 1st capture */
    253       lua_pop(cs->L, n - 1);  /* remove other captures */
    254       return 1;
    255     }
    256   }
    257 }
    260 /*
    261 ** Return the stack index of the first runtime capture in the given
    262 ** list of captures (or zero if no runtime captures)
    263 */
    264 int finddyncap (Capture *cap, Capture *last) {
    265   for (; cap < last; cap++) {
    266     if (cap->kind == Cruntime)
    267       return cap->idx;  /* stack position of first capture */
    268   }
    269   return 0;  /* no dynamic captures in this segment */
    270 }
    273 /*
    274 ** Calls a runtime capture. Returns number of captures removed by
    275 ** the call, including the initial Cgroup. (Captures to be added are
    276 ** on the Lua stack.)
    277 */
    278 int runtimecap (CapState *cs, Capture *close, const char *s, int *rem) {
    279   int n, id;
    280   lua_State *L = cs->L;
    281   int otop = lua_gettop(L);
    282   Capture *open = findopen(close);
    283   assert(captype(open) == Cgroup);
    284   id = finddyncap(open, close);  /* get first dynamic capture argument */
    285   close->kind = Cclose;  /* closes the group */
    286   close->s = s;
    287   cs->cap = open; cs->valuecached = 0;  /* prepare capture state */
    288   luaL_checkstack(L, 4, "too many runtime captures");
    289   pushluaval(cs);  /* push function to be called */
    290   lua_pushvalue(L, SUBJIDX);  /* push original subject */
    291   lua_pushinteger(L, s - cs->s + 1);  /* push current position */
    292   n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);  /* push nested captures */
    293   lua_call(L, n + 2, LUA_MULTRET);  /* call dynamic function */
    294   if (id > 0) {  /* are there old dynamic captures to be removed? */
    295     int i;
    296     for (i = id; i <= otop; i++)
    297       lua_remove(L, id);  /* remove old dynamic captures */
    298     *rem = otop - id + 1;  /* total number of dynamic captures removed */
    299   }
    300   else
    301     *rem = 0;  /* no dynamic captures removed */
    302   return close - open;  /* number of captures of all kinds removed */
    303 }
    306 /*
    307 ** Auxiliary structure for substitution and string captures: keep
    308 ** information about nested captures for future use, avoiding to push
    309 ** string results into Lua
    310 */
    311 typedef struct StrAux {
    312   int isstring;  /* whether capture is a string */
    313   union {
    314     Capture *cp;  /* if not a string, respective capture */
    315     struct {  /* if it is a string... */
    316       const char *s;  /* ... starts here */
    317       const char *e;  /* ... ends here */
    318     } s;
    319   } u;
    320 } StrAux;
    322 #define MAXSTRCAPS	10
    324 /*
    325 ** Collect values from current capture into array 'cps'. Current
    326 ** capture must be Cstring (first call) or Csimple (recursive calls).
    327 ** (In first call, fills %0 with whole match for Cstring.)
    328 ** Returns number of elements in the array that were filled.
    329 */
    330 static int getstrcaps (CapState *cs, StrAux *cps, int n) {
    331   int k = n++;
    332   cps[k].isstring = 1;  /* get string value */
    333   cps[k].u.s.s = cs->cap->s;  /* starts here */
    334   if (!isfullcap(cs->cap++)) {  /* nested captures? */
    335     while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) {  /* traverse them */
    336       if (n >= MAXSTRCAPS)  /* too many captures? */
    337         nextcap(cs);  /* skip extra captures (will not need them) */
    338       else if (captype(cs->cap) == Csimple)  /* string? */
    339         n = getstrcaps(cs, cps, n);  /* put info. into array */
    340       else {
    341         cps[n].isstring = 0;  /* not a string */
    342         cps[n].u.cp = cs->cap;  /* keep original capture */
    343         nextcap(cs);
    344         n++;
    345       }
    346     }
    347     cs->cap++;  /* skip close */
    348   }
    349   cps[k].u.s.e = closeaddr(cs->cap - 1);  /* ends here */
    350   return n;
    351 }
    354 /*
    355 ** add next capture value (which should be a string) to buffer 'b'
    356 */
    357 static int addonestring (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs, const char *what);
    360 /*
    361 ** String capture: add result to buffer 'b' (instead of pushing
    362 ** it into the stack)
    363 */
    364 static void stringcap (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs) {
    365   StrAux cps[MAXSTRCAPS];
    366   int n;
    367   size_t len, i;
    368   const char *fmt;  /* format string */
    369   fmt = lua_tolstring(cs->L, updatecache(cs, cs->cap->idx), &len);
    370   n = getstrcaps(cs, cps, 0) - 1;  /* collect nested captures */
    371   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {  /* traverse them */
    372     if (fmt[i] != '%')  /* not an escape? */
    373       luaL_addchar(b, fmt[i]);  /* add it to buffer */
    374     else if (fmt[++i] < '0' || fmt[i] > '9')  /* not followed by a digit? */
    375       luaL_addchar(b, fmt[i]);  /* add to buffer */
    376     else {
    377       int l = fmt[i] - '0';  /* capture index */
    378       if (l > n)
    379         luaL_error(cs->L, "invalid capture index (%d)", l);
    380       else if (cps[l].isstring)
    381         luaL_addlstring(b, cps[l].u.s.s, cps[l].u.s.e - cps[l].u.s.s);
    382       else {
    383         Capture *curr = cs->cap;
    384         cs->cap = cps[l].u.cp;  /* go back to evaluate that nested capture */
    385         if (!addonestring(b, cs, "capture"))
    386           luaL_error(cs->L, "no values in capture index %d", l);
    387         cs->cap = curr;  /* continue from where it stopped */
    388       }
    389     }
    390   }
    391 }
    394 /*
    395 ** Substitution capture: add result to buffer 'b'
    396 */
    397 static void substcap (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs) {
    398   const char *curr = cs->cap->s;
    399   if (isfullcap(cs->cap))  /* no nested captures? */
    400     luaL_addlstring(b, curr, cs->cap->siz - 1);  /* keep original text */
    401   else {
    402     cs->cap++;  /* skip open entry */
    403     while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) {  /* traverse nested captures */
    404       const char *next = cs->cap->s;
    405       luaL_addlstring(b, curr, next - curr);  /* add text up to capture */
    406       if (addonestring(b, cs, "replacement"))
    407         curr = closeaddr(cs->cap - 1);  /* continue after match */
    408       else  /* no capture value */
    409         curr = next;  /* keep original text in final result */
    410     }
    411     luaL_addlstring(b, curr, cs->cap->s - curr);  /* add last piece of text */
    412   }
    413   cs->cap++;  /* go to next capture */
    414 }
    417 /*
    418 ** Evaluates a capture and adds its first value to buffer 'b'; returns
    419 ** whether there was a value
    420 */
    421 static int addonestring (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs, const char *what) {
    422   switch (captype(cs->cap)) {
    423     case Cstring:
    424       stringcap(b, cs);  /* add capture directly to buffer */
    425       return 1;
    426     case Csubst:
    427       substcap(b, cs);  /* add capture directly to buffer */
    428       return 1;
    429     default: {
    430       lua_State *L = cs->L;
    431       int n = pushcapture(cs);
    432       if (n > 0) {
    433         if (n > 1) lua_pop(L, n - 1);  /* only one result */
    434         if (!lua_isstring(L, -1))
    435           luaL_error(L, "invalid %s value (a %s)", what, luaL_typename(L, -1));
    436         luaL_addvalue(b);
    437       }
    438       return n;
    439     }
    440   }
    441 }
    444 /*
    445 ** Push all values of the current capture into the stack; returns
    446 ** number of values pushed
    447 */
    448 static int pushcapture (CapState *cs) {
    449   lua_State *L = cs->L;
    450   luaL_checkstack(L, 4, "too many captures");
    451   switch (captype(cs->cap)) {
    452     case Cposition: {
    453       lua_pushinteger(L, cs->cap->s - cs->s + 1);
    454       cs->cap++;
    455       return 1;
    456     }
    457     case Cconst: {
    458       pushluaval(cs);
    459       cs->cap++;
    460       return 1;
    461     }
    462     case Carg: {
    463       int arg = (cs->cap++)->idx;
    464       if (arg + FIXEDARGS > cs->ptop)
    465         return luaL_error(L, "reference to absent extra argument #%d", arg);
    466       lua_pushvalue(L, arg + FIXEDARGS);
    467       return 1;
    468     }
    469     case Csimple: {
    470       int k = pushnestedvalues(cs, 1);
    471       lua_insert(L, -k);  /* make whole match be first result */
    472       return k;
    473     }
    474     case Cruntime: {
    475       lua_pushvalue(L, (cs->cap++)->idx);  /* value is in the stack */
    476       return 1;
    477     }
    478     case Cstring: {
    479       luaL_Buffer b;
    480       luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
    481       stringcap(&b, cs);
    482       luaL_pushresult(&b);
    483       return 1;
    484     }
    485     case Csubst: {
    486       luaL_Buffer b;
    487       luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
    488       substcap(&b, cs);
    489       luaL_pushresult(&b);
    490       return 1;
    491     }
    492     case Cgroup: {
    493       if (cs->cap->idx == 0)  /* anonymous group? */
    494         return pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);  /* add all nested values */
    495       else {  /* named group: add no values */
    496         nextcap(cs);  /* skip capture */
    497         return 0;
    498       }
    499     }
    500     case Cbackref: return backrefcap(cs);
    501     case Ctable: return tablecap(cs);
    502     case Cfunction: return functioncap(cs);
    503     case Cnum: return numcap(cs);
    504     case Cquery: return querycap(cs);
    505     case Cfold: return foldcap(cs);
    506     default: assert(0); return 0;
    507   }
    508 }
    511 /*
    512 ** Prepare a CapState structure and traverse the entire list of
    513 ** captures in the stack pushing its results. 's' is the subject
    514 ** string, 'r' is the final position of the match, and 'ptop' 
    515 ** the index in the stack where some useful values were pushed.
    516 ** Returns the number of results pushed. (If the list produces no
    517 ** results, push the final position of the match.)
    518 */
    519 int getcaptures (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *r, int ptop) {
    520   Capture *capture = (Capture *)lua_touserdata(L, caplistidx(ptop));
    521   int n = 0;
    522   if (!isclosecap(capture)) {  /* is there any capture? */
    523     CapState cs;
    524     cs.ocap = cs.cap = capture; cs.L = L;
    525     cs.s = s; cs.valuecached = 0; cs.ptop = ptop;
    526     do {  /* collect their values */
    527       n += pushcapture(&cs);
    528     } while (!isclosecap(cs.cap));
    529   }
    530   if (n == 0) {  /* no capture values? */
    531     lua_pushinteger(L, r - s + 1);  /* return only end position */
    532     n = 1;
    533   }
    534   return n;
    535 }