
A super great game engine
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relacy_std.hpp (2315B)

      1 /*  Relacy Race Detector
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Dmitry S. Vyukov
      3  *  All rights reserved.
      4  *  This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied.
      5  *  This software is distributed under a license and may not be copied,
      6  *  modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the
      7  *  terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
      8  */
     10 #ifndef RL_RELACY_STD_HPP
     11 #define RL_RELACY_STD_HPP
     12 #ifdef _MSC_VER
     13 #   pragma once
     14 #endif
     17 #include "relacy.hpp"
     20 namespace std
     21 {
     22     using rl::memory_order;
     23     using rl::mo_relaxed;
     24     using rl::mo_consume;
     25     using rl::mo_acquire;
     26     using rl::mo_release;
     27     using rl::mo_acq_rel;
     28     using rl::mo_seq_cst;
     30     using rl::atomic;
     31     using rl::atomic_thread_fence;
     32     using rl::atomic_signal_fence;
     34     using rl::atomic_bool;
     35     using rl::atomic_address;
     37     using rl::atomic_char;
     38     using rl::atomic_schar;
     39     using rl::atomic_uchar;
     40     using rl::atomic_short;
     41     using rl::atomic_ushort;
     42     using rl::atomic_int;
     43     using rl::atomic_uint;
     44     using rl::atomic_long;
     45     using rl::atomic_ulong;
     46     using rl::atomic_llong;
     47     using rl::atomic_ullong;
     48 //    using rl::atomic_char16_t;
     49 //    using rl::atomic_char32_t;
     50     using rl::atomic_wchar_t;
     52 //    using rl::atomic_int_least8_t;
     53 //    using rl::atomic_uint_least8_t;
     54 //    using rl::atomic_int_least16_t;
     55 //    using rl::atomic_uint_least16_t;
     56 //    using rl::atomic_int_least32_t;
     57 //    using rl::atomic_uint_least32_t;
     58 //    using rl::atomic_int_least64_t;
     59 //    using rl::atomic_uint_least64_t;
     60 //    using rl::atomic_int_fast8_t;
     61 //    using rl::atomic_uint_fast8_t;
     62 //    using rl::atomic_int_fast16_t;
     63 //    using rl::atomic_uint_fast16_t;
     64 //    using rl::atomic_int_fast32_t;
     65 //    using rl::atomic_uint_fast32_t;
     66 //    using rl::atomic_int_fast64_t;
     67 //    using rl::atomic_uint_fast64_t;
     68     using rl::atomic_intptr_t;
     69     using rl::atomic_uintptr_t;
     70     using rl::atomic_size_t;
     71 //    using rl::atomic_ssize_t;
     72     using rl::atomic_ptrdiff_t;
     73 //    using rl::atomic_intmax_t;
     74 //    using rl::atomic_uintmax_t;
     76     using rl::mutex;
     77     using rl::recursive_mutex;
     78     using rl::condition_variable;
     79     using rl::condition_variable_any;
     80 }
     82 #endif