
A super great game engine
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hashtable.h (2227B)

      1 #pragma once
      3 #include "intrinsics.h"
      5 template< typename T, size_t N >
      6 class HashTable {
      7 	//
      8 	STATIC_ASSERT( is_power_of_2( N ) );
     10 public:
     11 	HashTable() {
     12 		clear();
     13 	}
     15 	bool add( u64 key, const T & value ) {
     16 		size_t idx = find( key );
     17 		if( get_state( idx ) == OCCUPIED ) {
     18 			return false;
     19 		}
     20 		set_state( idx, OCCUPIED );
     21 		keys[ idx ] = key;
     22 		values[ idx ] = value;
     23 		return true;
     24 	}
     26 	bool remove( u64 key ) {
     27 		size_t idx = find( key );
     28 		if( get_state( idx ) == OCCUPIED ) {
     29 			set_state( idx, DELETED );
     30 			return true;
     31 		}
     32 		return false;
     33 	}
     35 	bool get( u64 key, T * value ) {
     36 		size_t idx = find( key );
     37 		if( get_state( idx ) == OCCUPIED ) {
     38 			if( value != NULL ) {
     39 				*value = values[ idx ];
     40 			}
     41 			return true;
     42 		}
     43 		return false;
     44 	}
     46 	void clear() {
     47 		for( size_t i = 0; i < sizeof( states ); i++ ) {
     48 			states[ i ] = 0;
     49 		}
     50 	}
     52 private:
     53 	enum SlotState {
     54 		EMPTY,    // lo = 0, hi = 0
     55 		OCCUPIED, // lo = 0, hi = 1
     56 		DELETED,  // lo = 1, hi = 1
     57 	};
     59 	size_t find( u64 key ) {
     60 		size_t idx = key % N;
     61 		size_t step = 1;
     62 		for( ;; ) {
     63 			if( get_state( idx ) == EMPTY ) {
     64 				return idx;
     65 			}
     66 			if( get_state( idx ) == OCCUPIED && keys[ idx ] == key ) {
     67 				return idx;
     68 			}
     69 			idx = ( idx + step ) % N;
     70 			step++;
     71 		}
     72 	}
     74 	SlotState get_state( size_t idx ) {
     75 		size_t byte = idx / 4;
     76 		size_t bit0 = ( idx * 2 ) % 8;
     77 		size_t bit1 = bit0 + 1;
     79 		int lo = states[ byte ] & ( 1 << bit0 );
     80 		int hi = states[ byte ] & ( 1 << bit1 );
     82 		if( lo == 0 ) return EMPTY;
     83 		return hi == 0 ? OCCUPIED : DELETED;
     84 	}
     86 	void set_state( size_t idx, SlotState state ) {
     87 		size_t byte = idx / 4;
     88 		size_t bit0 = ( idx * 2 ) % 8;
     89 		size_t bit1 = bit0 + 1;
     91 		u32 lo = state == EMPTY ? 0 : 1;
     92 		u32 hi = state == OCCUPIED ? 0 : 1;
     94 		states[ byte ] |= u8( ( lo << bit0 ) | ( hi << bit1 ) );
     95 	}
     97 	/*
     98 	 * states is a bitfield with 2 bits per slot. the 2 bits are used to
     99 	 * hold one of 3 possible states: EMPTY, OCCUPIED and DELETED
    100 	 *
    101 	 * we want to round 2 * N up to the next multiple of 8, which is the
    102 	 * same as rounding N up to the next multiple of 4 but avoids overflow
    103 	 */
    104 	u8 states[ slots_required( N, 4 ) ];
    105 	u64 keys[ N ];
    106 	T values[ N ];
    107 };